MCM Reads: The Let Them Theory
By now, I’m sure you’ve heard of “The Let Them Theory” going viral thanks to podcaster and speaker, Mel Robbins. It’s a simple one: when someone isn’t doing what you expect, let them. You can’t control other people or change their actions, so let them. By doing this, you free yourself from stress and frustration.
When I saw Robbins came out with a book, I immediately downloaded it. (Since she’s a podcaster, I wanted the audiobook experience). Within the first chapter, I was worried that the concept was so simple, how could I possibly stick around for multiple chapters? I just summarized the theory for you in two sentences, do we need an entire book?
Yes, we do.
The value I took away from each chapter was the anecdotes and personal stories Robbins shares. She doesn’t share stories of her successes. She opens up about the times she behaved badly or let her emotions get the best of her. I found it so refreshing to realize that some of these struggles are universal to everyone.
For example, there’s an entire chapter in The Let Them Theory about adult friendships. She shares a story about being left out and how her feelings were hurt. She goes in depth about how our expectations for adult friendships remain high, even though life has changed from our college years when friendships were much simpler.
Even though some of the advice seemed a little obvious at times, this is the type of book that feels like you’re reading your best friend’s diary. She’s telling you it’s going to be ok and “get your act together” all at the same time. When I was done, I found myself talking to other friends about certain chapters and how it impacted my thinking.
If you are still trying to start 2025 with a healthy mindset, I recommend adding The Let Them Theory to your book list. Let me know what you think!