MCM Reads: Favorite Sibling Novels

When I was younger, every once in a while my mom would occasionally slip and say, “Well, it’s because you’re the oldest…”

“I’m not the oldest, mom! You had a whole son before me!”

In all fairness, I’m the oldest of the girls. My brother is technically the first born, but got out of Dodge with three sisters at home. All four of us have wildly different personalities. And I always found our roles within the family dynamic fascinating.

Maybe that’s why some of my favorite books are centered around sibling dynamics.

This is a list of books that have been out for a few years or more, but if you’re like me, sometimes the hot novel of the season passes me by or I haven’t had time to read it yet. These are among my most recommended any time it comes up in conversation.

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Hello Beautiful

Hello Beautiful’s storyline explores the complexities of the sibling dynamics within a family and expectations set and then broken. I have to admit, I judged this book by the cover and didn’t prioritize it when it was first released. I assumed it erred on the side of current “pop-culture”, rather than a deep story line. But it’s been on countless “book club picks” for a reason.

The story begins with perspective of William, the eventual husband of Julia who is one of four close-knit sisters. The storyline follows them from childhood through parenthood, exploring how love, grief, betrayal and loyalty are inevitable in life no matter what the bond. I empathized with each of the characters despite their flaws and questioned what I would do if this was my family and my own sister.

The author, Ann Napalitano weaves a captivating story, worthy of a spot on your bookstand.

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The Dutch House

If anyone ever asks me what my favorite book is, The Dutch House by Ann Patchett is one of my impulse answers. There’s no wonder why it was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2020. You’re lucky if you’re one of the ones who discovered it during the lockdown of the pandemic. It took me another 2 years to get around to reading it.

The story is told from the perspective of Danny, whose father bought one of the most lavish homes in a suburb of Philadelphia after World War II. But what was supposed to be a catalyst for a perfect future, the house becomes the source of the family’s undoing. Danny and his sister, Maeve, are exiled from the home and it becomes clear that Danny’s true home is only found in the company of Maeve. Their relationship, near obsession with the house and determined revenge motivates any decisions for their future.

Some reviews will say Danny’s character isn’t as developed as Maeve’s. I think it sets up the dynamic that Danny is always following Maeve’s lead. The way I interpreted it, Danny was looking for that maternal figure in his life and the chain-smoking, unambitious Maeve was his beacon.

If you haven’t read The Dutch House yet, put it at the top of your list. And if you listen to audiobooks, Tom Hanks is the narrator, which makes it even better.

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Malibu Rising

Every family has the one sibling that holds everything together, whether they want to or not. Malibu Rising is my favorite of author, Taylor Jenkins Reid. She’s well known for her beach reads with addicting characters and storylines. Malibu Rising is no different.

The story takes place in 1983, the night of a wild house party thrown by the main character, Nina Riva. Nina is surfer turned supermodel, daughter of a famous musician (fictional) who can be likened to Elvis. But when he abandons her mother and siblings when they are children, Nina is thrust into a caretaker role, being responsible for the family’s survival.

What I loved about this book is how Nina is constantly forced to hide the broken pieces of herself to uphold family expectations. If you are this sibling in your family, you will relate to the pressure Nina feels to be the “rock”, while everyone else has a little more freedom (good and bad) to be who they truly are.

TJR novels also tend to weave characters through each book. So if you are a fan of Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, you’ll recognize some character names.

If you’re taking a fall getaway vacation, pack Malibu Rising.

Again, these are ones I’ve had on my shelf a while, but any time friends ask for a recommendation, these are my go-to suggestions.


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