Being Invisible is a SuperPower
Ambition Maureen Kyle Ambition Maureen Kyle

Being Invisible is a SuperPower

I am part of the lucky and dwindling population that lived childhood without Facebook, therefore realizing I have a private life and a distinctly different public life. I don’t feel an obligation or impulse to share everything with the world. I have the mental guardrails to ask myself, “is this appropriate?”

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The Rediscovery of Connection
Ambition Maureen Kyle Ambition Maureen Kyle

The Rediscovery of Connection

Imagine for a minute, you are a wrinkly old raisin, sitting in your nursing home wheelchair, barely able to see your great grandchild sitting next to you thanks to your cataract eyes. What would you tell them about life?

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2024: To be inspired, not influenced
Ambition Anne Scafaro Ambition Anne Scafaro

2024: To be inspired, not influenced

So, considering we are halfway through January and I still haven't started my Whole 30 diet plan, I want my resolution in 2024 to focus more on what I love and not what society is loving at the moment. I want to buck the mainstream trend and go with what makes me feel genuinely me.

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Don’t deprive your child of a Christmas disaster
Ambition Anne Scafaro Ambition Anne Scafaro

Don’t deprive your child of a Christmas disaster

Once we were older and too cool to cut down a tree, the Christmas disaster typically happened during gifts. My sister opened a clothing box and pulled out a plum colored matching velour jumpsuit. I feel like J Lo made them mainstream around that time. Within seconds, she burst into tears of disappointment along with a laugh and a "why would you buy me this". My other sister was laughing so hard next to her, it made the crying worse. Then my mom got upset and - I think - walked out of the room saying "I can't do anything right".

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Women, please stop insulting your own gender (and my children)
Ambition Anne Scafaro Ambition Anne Scafaro

Women, please stop insulting your own gender (and my children)

Women: we need to stop talking down about our babies. We owe ourselves this chance to teach the future generation that they are individuals. They are not defined by their gender. They are not held back by their gender. They are loved by their mothers and fathers no matter who they are or who they become. Let's start with our youngest little ladies. Let's teach them that sisterhood is their biggest strength, not something their mother "has to handle".

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Leaving the best part of me on the table
Ambition Anne Scafaro Ambition Anne Scafaro

Leaving the best part of me on the table

So, when Brooke said "leaving so much of myself on the table," it stuck with me. It's not an epiphany that this is what we all struggle with. We know that we could be so much more. We could be more of a force at our jobs, we could be the Pinterest mom, we could start that business we always wanted, we could be the poster child of health and fitness. But there's only so much time. We can have it all. Just not everyday.

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